Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Lost your Gate Controller?

Have you lost the controller for your Electric Gates?

We've been supplying Electric Gates in Ireland for over 10 years and one of the main questions we get asked by customers is what's the alternative to constantly replacing the key fobs for their Electric Gates.

We've been recommending our Automatic Gate Contoller for the last few years and its an excellent device which eliminates the need for gate fobs / buttons totally.

It uses a GSM Controller to open / close your gates so all you need is a phone.

ESIM110 automatic gate controller (GSM switch) is used to open gates, lift road barriers or turn on the electronic device remotely over GSM network. Using this device You can also remotely turn on or off the security system, receive SMS messages or calls about choosen system activities.
Calling on the number of the SIM card inserted in Esim010 the system checks if the number of the caller is recorded in the memory. If the number exists in the database, the system rejects the call and turns on the relay for the determined period. If the number of the caller is not recorded, the contacts of the relay are not connected.
Don't hesitate to give us a call to discuss your requirements further.

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