Lets have a look at the main options for Burglar Alarm systems.
Dummy Alarms
This is the cheapest option out of the 3. It looks like a security system but doest actually work, however it may deter potential burglars.
This should be a last resort as most burglars will be aware of dummy systems and how to recognise them.
We sell the HKC Sabb Bell Box to customers looking for a deterrent. This can later be connected to the alarm system when its installed.
Non-Monitored Alarm System
This is probably the most common alarm system installed in Ireland.
It essentially means that when your alarm system is triggered, it will sound the sirens & strobes, but doesn't actually contact anyone to let them know the alarm has been activated.
GSM / TEXT Dialler
If you have a non-monitored system, you may wish to add on a device which will contact you or a designated person(s) when the alarm is activated.
This can be transmitted via Alarm Text Message or can be a voice call.
Please see our recent post regarding the Text Messaging Service
Monitored Alarm System
This is the most expensive of the options as a monitoring fee must be paid annually.
This fee ensures that your home alarm is monitored 24/7. In the event of an alarm activation, the central station will be made aware of it and will contact the keyholders or the Gardai if required.
How to ensure you're secure?
- Ensure you set the alarm even when you're in the house. Most alarm systems can be 'part-set' so you can freely walk around the house while its on.
- Have your Security System serviced regularly,
- If you have P.I.R (Passive Infra Red Detectors) ensure there is nothing obstructing their view such as cobwebs,
- If you external bell isn't out of easy reach of criminals. Get a metal cage installed around it to ensure it isn't easy to remove.
- Insurance - check if you can avail of a discount with your insurance company,
- Always ensure you lock your doors & windows.
- Check if your installed is registered with the Private Security Authority.
- Try and avail of any Text Alerts in your area. Meath Crime Prevention page offers a wealth of information around the Meath area.
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