Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Home Security Systems - Tips from SecurityDirect.ie

Lets have a look at the main options for Burglar Alarm systems.

Dummy Alarms 

This is the cheapest option out of the 3. It looks like a security system but doest actually work, however it may deter potential burglars.
This should be a last resort as most burglars will be aware of dummy systems and how to recognise them.
If you are on a tight budget, this will be your best option.

We sell the HKC Sabb Bell Box to customers looking for a deterrent. This can later be connected to the alarm system when its installed.

Non-Monitored Alarm System

This is probably the most common alarm system installed in Ireland.
It essentially means that when your alarm system is triggered, it will sound the sirens & strobes, but doesn't actually contact anyone to let them know the alarm has been activated.

GSM / TEXT Dialler

If you have a non-monitored system, you may wish to add on a device which will contact you or a designated person(s) when the alarm is activated.
This can be transmitted via Alarm Text Message  or can be a voice call.
Please see our recent post regarding the Text Messaging Service

Monitored Alarm System

This is the most expensive of the options as a monitoring fee must be paid annually.
This fee ensures that your home alarm is monitored 24/7. In the event of an alarm activation, the central station will be made aware of it and will contact the keyholders or the Gardai if required.

How to ensure you're secure?

  1. Ensure you set the alarm even when you're in the house. Most alarm systems can be 'part-set' so you can freely walk around the house while its on. 
  2. Have your Security System serviced regularly, 
  3. If you have P.I.R (Passive Infra Red Detectors) ensure there is nothing obstructing their view such as cobwebs,
  4. If you external bell isn't out of easy reach of criminals. Get a metal cage installed around it to ensure it isn't easy to remove.
  5. Insurance - check if you can avail of a discount with your insurance company,
  6. Always ensure you lock your doors & windows.
  7. Check if your installed is registered with the Private Security Authority.
  8. Try and avail of any Text Alerts in your area. Meath Crime Prevention page offers a wealth of information around the Meath area.

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